The Bikeable Feasting Continues

I have returned to my beloved Washington, DC and continue exploring, learning, teaching, writing, cooking (I mean, it is me we're talking about here), changing flat tires, and reconnecting my fellow Americans with the joy of healthy, shared, local food. I regularly work with folks who run school and community gardens, farmers' markets and local businesses, food justice and education programs, and sustainable farms in DC, VA, MD, and PA.

Yes, yes, most people ask what such a life looks like on a daily basis (including good old mom and dad, who are delighted to be able to sleep through the night since my return from the cross-country Bikeable Feast in July 2010). Well, work these days involves lots of teaching -- cooking, gardening, composting, preserving, and pickling, just to name a few topics. It means on a given weekend, you're likely to find me at a farmers' market (and sometimes two) -- doing a cooking demonstration, helping with food stamp outreach, pinch hitting for a vendor here and there, volunteering with my local bike co-op, or even just picking up some produce. I've been working with a few different teachers to develop food-and-garden-based lesson plans for classes and after school programs in DC and MD. I help out on farms when I can, do a little catering here and there, lead the occasional private cooking class/party, and crank out regular magazine articles and guest blogposts.

I realize things are a little calmer since I returned home, but I still think there's much to be learned and shared. In spite of the relative lack of daily danger of losing a hand to frostbite or a rabid dog, I hope you're still enjoying this blog. I still enjoy writing for it....