So I made it to Cumberland late Thursday afternoon, exhausted but triumphant. My Uncle Clarence picked me up in the truck and whisked Ollie and I away to what I have come to appreciate as the lap of luxury. My Aunt Barbara fiendishly utilized the comfy bed and hot bath to lure me to stay for a couple of days. You know, to rest up and wait out the rain a bit. Plying me with wine, I could feel my defenses weakening. And good food added to the allure. I relented: okay, I'd stay until Saturday. Then on Friday my parents arrived and put on the full court press: okay, I'd stay until Sunday. Morning. For real.
I must say, there is nothing quite like a hot bath after 3 nights of not being able to stand the smell of damp laundry hanging above one's head in a tent as the cold rain beats down. For better or worse -- better for cooking; worse for crowded metro buses full of folks who clearly didn't use Dial -- my sense of smell is intense. I can almost taste the honeysuckle as I bike past. Or the dank 2-day-old socks as I pull them on, grumbling. Or the stagnant water in the Canal. Blech.
Anyway, I spent this morning catching up on some e mails, making a few calls, airing out the camping gear, and loading up on calories. (Like I said, trying to bulk up and my Aunt Barbara is a fabulous cook.) I also had the chance to clean Ollie and make a few minor repairs -- replacing the duct tape on her rear fender with some new, stronger duct tape and substituting the stick that had been holding the front fender on with a screw, washer, and bolt. I was feeling pretty handy, actually, and Uncle Clarence was a great technical advisor. This afternoon is set for a trip to the post office, a visit to a local park service office, and maybe a nap. I'd better watch it or they'll try and talk me into staying another day. Must... resist....
I must say, there is nothing quite like a hot bath after 3 nights of not being able to stand the smell of damp laundry hanging above one's head in a tent as the cold rain beats down. For better or worse -- better for cooking; worse for crowded metro buses full of folks who clearly didn't use Dial -- my sense of smell is intense. I can almost taste the honeysuckle as I bike past. Or the dank 2-day-old socks as I pull them on, grumbling. Or the stagnant water in the Canal. Blech.
Anyway, I spent this morning catching up on some e mails, making a few calls, airing out the camping gear, and loading up on calories. (Like I said, trying to bulk up and my Aunt Barbara is a fabulous cook.) I also had the chance to clean Ollie and make a few minor repairs -- replacing the duct tape on her rear fender with some new, stronger duct tape and substituting the stick that had been holding the front fender on with a screw, washer, and bolt. I was feeling pretty handy, actually, and Uncle Clarence was a great technical advisor. This afternoon is set for a trip to the post office, a visit to a local park service office, and maybe a nap. I'd better watch it or they'll try and talk me into staying another day. Must... resist....
Good for you..sounds like you deserve a rest!